Sunday, September 12, 2010


I'm having panic attacks today. Faced with a major deadline at work this week, and I have found NO time yet this weekend to make any progress on it. Too much laundry, ds's soccer, getting the family and the house somewhat ready for the week ahead, and the need for a little down time has filled up my weekend thus far. I'm left with just a few hours left to get some work done, and we have to leave for a potluck dinner in 2 hours.

Guess I don't need to waste any more time blogging. I'd appreciate all the energy vibes you can muster up to send over the broadband! :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Primary Mortgage - August '10 Update

Another one that drops consistently, but one that will be around for a long, long time. 28 years and 9 months left on this one.

$355.25 paid. New balance = $250,808.41

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Chase Card #1 - August '10 update

$74.34 paid. New balance = $5,270.92

To give myself some encouragement, I'm looking back at the original post on this balance. $1,400 is not alot to some people, but I'm reminding myself that it IS progress. Also, with this posting the total debt balance has dropped out of the $339K into the $338K range. Each $1K drop is something to cheer in my book!!!

Bank Visa - August '10 Update

Avoidance is not helping the situation, so here we go.....

$55.95 paid. New balance = $2,728.00