The credit cards bills (on the credit cards that I pay off each month) are all here now. These are the ones that include our trip to Myrtle Beach for dd9's dance Nationals and most of the major back-to-school expenses. It is scary. Not sure I'll be able to SQUEEEZE enough out of cash flow to pay them in full.
I'm really hoping to have enough time to sit down and figure it all out this weekend. Not sure that is going to happen, but I can hope. I know I'll feel better just to know one way or another.
Oh....I haven't even told you about the transmission that's being rebuilt in my 9 yr. old Jeep at this very moment. *SIGH* At least I have a "car fund" savings that will cover that, but how I hate spending $2K plus a rental car.
So, financially, things are not great at the moment. But we're healthy, the kids are loving school, and I just know we're due to catch a break soon. Hope all readers on the East Coast stay safe this weekend!! It's still too hot for my liking, so I'm resolved to spend any extra time this weekend at my desk --- either on work for pay or figuring out the budget mess.
Friday, Frugal Friday and taxes are in!
It is frugal Friday my friends and I know you are all on pins and needles
waiting to read my frugalishious doings... Am I right?
Also got those dang ta...
good luck - I hope you are able to squeeze it out!!! :)