It's so stinking hot outside, I've resorted to trying to stay cool by spending a
few minutes couple of hours at my desk getting caught up on the budget, bills and bank balances. Progress feels tremendously slow due to all the extra expenses with the the flood damage, the new puppy, and summer child care for my daughter now that she is out of school. I know I have so much to be thankful for, but it's hard to watch all the money come in then promptly leave with someone else's name on it!
Enough of my is the May wrap-up!
Primary mortgage - $ 351.28 paid, new balance = $251,870.18

Net worth funding goal - $1,285.94 added to net worth in May.

Net worth certainly decreased overall with the rollercoaster stock market, but at least I'm holding up my end of the bargain by continuing to pay down debt and add to savings.