Friday, December 31, 2010

Time to close the books on 2010

Although it will probably be a while before I get a true picture of where everything is. I've fallen behind in dealing with all the mounting papers around here and inputting all the bank transactions into my money software.

My gut feeling is that progress was made, but not nearly the progress I was hoping for.

I'm just ready to get on with it. View tomorrow as another fresh start. And keep on keeping on!

I have so many plans rolling around in my head for 2011 -- some financial, many more are "quality of life" goals. I know the experts say that goals should be written, so maybe I need to get them out of my head and type them out. But right now...I gotta get moving. It's a work day for me!

1 comment:

  1. I'm struggling with goals as well. I think because 2010 was not a stellar year. Although I am positive we will all do better in 2011!!!!
