I still haven't set all my goals for 2012 (I was trying to come up with 12 of 'em just to be cool like the rest of you *wink*). But I had scratched a few down:
1. Shave $12,000 off the total debt.
2. Add $6,000 to the Roth. Yes...it's sad, but I will be eligible for a catch-up contribution by the end of 2012. I remember when catch-up contributions were first introduced and thinking they were for OLD people!!!
3. Get through the year without any additional borrowing.
4. Save up enough cash to pay for a new computer.
5. Get (and keep) caught up on paperwork.
6. Continue to coupon to keep the grocery budget in check.
7. Write down my menu plans (instead of keeping them in my head). If I write down each night's dinner on a calendar, this time next year I can just pull out the calendar pages for an instant menu plan!
8. Continue to declutter the house. Think seriously about a yard sale in the Spring.
And that's as far as I got....
But today I received news that I might be able to knock one of these off my list sooner rather than later!
Our office administrator came in this morning and reminded me that this Thursday marks the 25th anniversary of my date of hire. 25 years!! Unbelievable!
Anyway, our firm always gives a length of service award for each 5 years. I've gotten pearl earrings, a gorgeous sapphire necklace, a set of antique ruby-glassware dishes, and a Movado watch for my other gifts. With the exception of the earrings (my 5-year gift), I was always consulted and allowed to pick what I wanted. Anyway...for the 25 year mark, my spending limit is $1,250. And I'm not allowed to take it in cash - which is fine because if it's given for service it's a non-taxable gift.
She asked me what I wanted, and it didn't take me long to figure out that I could probably get a really nice new computer for $1,250.

So, she talked to our I.T. guy and he's going to help me order a brand new Dell machine --- we'll probably order it through the business account which is fine since that will probably mean I can just order it to include all the Microsoft Office software. Even though I knew this milestone was approaching, I hadn't given it more than a passing thought before today. Usually the service awards are given at the summer picnic, so thinking I might be picking out a gift anytime soon hadn't crossed my mind. But we have a firm meeting Friday, and the office administrator said they would like to acknowledge it during the meeting. I am so excited! My pitiful little computer will be 8 years old in May! Bless her soul, she's been a little workhorse. But she's tired and loaded down. She needs a break (I'll probably give her to the kids).
This also means that I really need to get cracking on #5. I need to get all the Money software, spreadsheets, etc. updated since I'm pretty sure that Microsoft Money 2004 will not be available on my new machine. LOL