Have you seen the ING Direct Black Friday sale? Now this is my kind of savings!
Get a $121 Account Opening Bonus
Here's how:
1. Open an Electric Orange checking with Reference Code EOSAVE.
2. Use your Debit Card to make 3 signature transactions (you know, the ones you have to actually sign) within the first 45 days.
3. On day 50, we'll put $121 in your account. You have to open today to get the $121 bonus.
I've been an ING Savings customer for years, but I've never opened an electronic checking account there. That is, until today.
I went ahead and transferred some of that money sitting in an ING Savings account set aside for Christmas spending. Once the debit card arrives, I'll use it for at least 3 qualifying purchases for Christmas purchases. And in January, when the $121 bonus arrives, I'm going to use that money to pay down on my debt. Doesn't get much easier than that!
Hurry! This offer ends tonight at 11:59PM ET.
Friday, Frugal Friday and taxes are in!
It is frugal Friday my friends and I know you are all on pins and needles
waiting to read my frugalishious doings... Am I right?
Also got those dang ta...
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