April turned into a very good month for progress towards the 2010 Net Worth Goal. You can see that I added a new line for the Roth Funding goal I set midway through the month. I was also able to add $165 to my existing Roth accounts as a 2009 contribution.
I hope this progress continues. It's nerve-wracking at the moment with the money we need to spend to get our house back in order after the flooding. We already had some other electrical/appliance repairs that came up even before the water damage. And we added a new member to our family in April (a 2-month old black labrador retriever) who needs all her shots. We're also trying to figure out how to pay for an invisible fence for our acre-plus yard so she can burn off all that puppy energy without running down the street or requiring constant supervision. It's kinda one of those "when-it-rains-it-pours" scenarios....and I guess based on the events of May 1-2 you can take that literally. LOL
So my focus is changing...we're in the land of minimum payments on the debt since the priorities are now to pay for these larger unbudgeted expenses without taking on any additional debt AND to fully fund that 2010 Roth IRA.
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