The best thing about this loan is that rent from the tenants is totally covering the payment (plus more)!
$276.68 paid. New balance = $71,932.61
I am trying to pull myself out of the funk I've been in this month, and I know that keeping busy and seeing results will do for my psyche than anything. We have commitments through Saturday for my daughter's dance recital and for my god daughter's high school graduation, but Sunday and Monday??? I'll be finding the wood that I know is under my desk somewhere. The papers have piled up, the checkbooks need balancing, and the shredder needs a workout. If I can gain control of this desk by Monday, I know I can start June off on a much better note!
Monday, The first of the new year!
Why even when the new year started last Wednesday do I feel like it is
starting today? Because all things start on Monday. I had three of my four
girls ...
So true! My desk is hidden too much of the time. I am so much more productive with a clean work space. Plus, it makes me feel fabulous! Clean house is much the same.