All the numbers were crunched last weekend. I ended up spending $1,231.78 of the $1,260.00 I had saved for Christmas. I ended up adding the $28.22 left over to my grocery money to help offset the cost of holiday meals and additional groceries for our guests who were here over a week.
Then on New Year's Day, my husband decided to exchange one item I had given him. He got the exact item he wanted, and I got $18.72 credit on my VISA. So woohoo, I'll have another $18.72 off the credit card balances.
I've already started saving for Christmas 2010. I'm sticking with the same budget ($103 per month) until we find out in July what or how much our annual raises will be. If the raises are like last year's, there probably won't be any increase in the Christmas budget for 2010.
Friday, Frugal Friday and taxes are in!
It is frugal Friday my friends and I know you are all on pins and needles
waiting to read my frugalishious doings... Am I right?
Also got those dang ta...
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